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Defensive Driving Excerpt from Today’s Driver Driving School Downtown Toronto

Defensive Driving is driving to prevent collision in spite of the actions of others and the conditions around you. Before you get behind the wheel here are some tips to help you stay in control:

Hand on the Wheel and Eyes on the Road
Driving is primarily a thinking task, and you have a lot of things to think about when you’re behind the wheel: Speed, Traffic, Laws, Signs, Traffic Lights, the list just goes on and on. Staying focused on driving and avoiding distractions is THE key.
Distractions, like talking on the phone or eating, make a driver more prone to mistakes and ultimately a collision. We just cannot Stereotype Young Drivers, any Driver with any number of years of Experience can get Sloppy while driving.
Staying Actively Alert and Aware
Being alert allows you to react quickly to potential threats. Alcohol or drugs (including prescription and over-the-counter drugs) affect a driver’s reaction time and judgment. Driving drowsy has proved to be one of the leading causes of crashes. It is strongly recommended to rest well before taking a road trip. Also, Part of staying in control is being aware of other aspects ,such as Cars, Pedestrians, etc, around you. What they do can be completely unpredictable and you can be caught off guard. Anticipating what another driver or Pedestrians might do and making the appropriate adjustment helps reduce your risk of a Collision.

The Department of Transportation reported that 90% of all crashes are attributed to driver error. They also reported how Drivers who have taken the Ministry approved Courses from Driving Schools are less likely to be involved in a collision. BDE courses costs some $$ but it’s worth the investment from a lot of stand points.

Some Benefits of Defensive Driving
*Changes the way you think about Driving
*It could save your life and others
*Lower your insurance rates:)
*Save money;save lives

Feel free to leave a comment. Happy driving!