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Driving Tips for summer from Today’s Driver driving school Toronto


Summer takes a toll on all of us, and the heat changes a lot many things around us. So, when it comes to driving safely, one has to take in consideration a lot many things that include, the weather, the temperature, the road, the car you own, its features, fuel etc.

If you are planning to take a tour to your favorite destination in summer, or if you are planning for a getaway to a distant place for the weekend then, make sure you consider the following summer road safety. We at Today’s Driver driving school based in Toronto have put together the following list of things you must consider when you take out your 4 wheeler for a ride in the heat, since we believe that, a little planning and prevention can help you and your family be safe without having to deal with the consequence of a crash or a breakdown in the midst of nowhere.

* Make sure your have regularly checked and your car has gone through the regular oil changes, tune ups, tire rotations, etc. in order to prevent your car from breaking down unexpectedly.

* Check the pressure in all the tires, including the spare one.

* Make sure your vehicle has been serviced recently, if not get it done now.

* Check if the coolant system of your vehicle is fine, refill it or flush it if the need arise.

* See if the AC is in proper order. The heat can take its toll on you and your close ones.

* Stay alert behind the wheel, don’t let fatigue grasp you, take breaks to stretch and to eat and drink. Stay in a motel for an overnight’s rest.

* Wear seat belts; make sure everybody wears it in order to prevent terrible injuries if there is a crash.

* Make sure the children are in the backseat, and they wear their seat belts.

* Carry an emergency kit whenever you are on the move especially when you go for an outing.

So, with the above mentioned tips taught by all major driving schools, have a great tour ahead without worries.